Bitcoin oya fa

by Oleg Andreev 2017/12/10open in new window

Bitcoin oya fa oshimaliwa shokoomuma: Ihayi vulu okuningululwa, ongwee mwene wuna oshinakugwanitha shoku yi takamitha. Ngele owa kanitha ondjato yoye yiimaliwa, nena niimaliwa yoye oya kana. Oto vulu okugandja komuntu eku kwatele, ihe ngaashi ngele tosikilile nombaanga, omuntu owu na ku kala wemwiinekela kutya ita fadhuka po niimaliwa yoye.

Bitcoin inayi fa oshimaliwa shokoomuma: OoBitcoin oho vulu okudhisikilila odhindji ngaashi wa hala, ihe itadhi mana po ehala. Oho vulu wo okutumina kehe ngu wa hala to longitha omukalo ngoka gwapitikwa melongitho lyooBitcoin. "Iimaliwa" mbika ihayi vulu okuningwa iimaliwa yiifundja (counterfeit). Ihayi vulu so okugandjwa mosekonde yimwe, owuna manga oku tegelela oominute 10-15 Opo ewangandjo lininge uumbapila womafutilo, opo wuvule okukwashilipaleka ngele omafutilo/elanditho olya tumwa.

Bitcoin oya fa oshingoli: OBitcoin ihayi vulu okuningwa owala pahalo komuntu, ope na ondando yontumba yangabekwa, ondando ndjika oya topolelwa mewangadjo hali ithanwa "spacetime continuum". Opo wumone ooBitcoin, owuna okudhipewa komuntu gumwe ishewe ngoka e dhi na nale, nenge todhi miina ngaashi oshingoli. OoBitcoin ohadhi welima ngaashi oshingoli dho ohadhi fuula aantu nuuwanawa womutungilo wadho, nelaka ndyoka lyopauteknologi (programming language) lya longithwa. Ope na yoo euvathano lyamanguluka.

Bitcoin inayi fa oshingoli: OoBitcoin ohadhi topolowa pethimbo lyagwandjwa (kehe owili oha pu gandjwa oomumuma dhontumba). Shika ohashi kwashilipaleke kutya ito adha pe na gumwe e na onduba yuudha yeeBitcoin pethimbo limwe. Omuntu oho vulu okutha mo oshingoli oshindji ngaashi wa hala mesiku, ihe shika ihashi vulika nooBitcoin, kutya nee okompiuta ohayi endelele shithike peni.

Bitcoin oya fa ombaanga: Ngaashi tuu ombaanga, melongitho lyooBitcoin omu na ehala lyokusikililwa uukwatya waalongithi nowomafutilo agehe taganingwa. Kehe shimwe oshili pakompiuta. Kape na mpa hapu sikililwa oshingoli nenge uupakete wokusikilila iimaliwa, omadhidhiliko ohaga ningwa ashike membo limwe (mokompiuta).

Bitcoin inayi fa ombaanga: Omuntu kehe ota vulu ota vulu oku kwashilipaleka nokumona ngele embo lye olya shangwa/dhidhilikwa shi shili momambo gooyakwao. Kape na omutonateli eli po e na oshinakugwanitha shoku gwedha mo uuyelele momambo gomalandithilo nokumona kutya inapa gwedhwa uuyelele kashili paveta. Omuntu kehe ota vulu okutota po omayalulo (accounts) ogendji ngaashi a hala mpoka edhina lye inali pumbwa okushiwikwa, onge shila oye mwene tiipopi edhina. Momambo ihamu sikililwa omadhina gaantu, ohamu sikililwa owala iimaliwa mbi yili koAccount nonomola koAccount. Membo lyooBitcoin kamuna ehala lyoondjo, omuntu owuna ashike iimaliwa, nenge kuna sha, onkee ito vulu okuyi longitha.

Bitcoin oya fa iimaliwa yoMonopoly: Iimaliwa yoludhi nduka oyopambembo noya pewa ongushu molwaashoka aantu haadhana uudhano mbuka. Iimaliwa ayihe hol: oshingoli, niimaliwa yoombapila nsht. osho hayi mono ongushu pamukalo nguka.

Bitcoin inayi fa iimaliwa yoMonopoly: Iimaliwa yoludhi nduka iidhigu nokuninga nomolwaashoka oya pumba noonkondo. Omolwa uukwatya nda zi nokutumbula oyi na ongushu yomaliko ngoka ga pumba woo ngashi oshingoli nsht. Ngoka haga longithwa miipindi.

Bitcoin oya fa ewi lyamanguluka: Keshe einyengo tali holoka olya fa etumwalaka efupi kaakwashigwana, ndyoka tali vulu okutotomonwa shaampoka, kehe ethimbo. Ngele aantu mba haa "miina" OoBitcoin oyeli uvu, ohaye li gwedha komusholondondo gomainyengo agehe gadhidhilikwa nale. Etumwalaka omo tali kala mondjokonona, kehe gumwe ota vulu okuli mona, no kape na we ngoka tavulu okulidhima mo.

Bitcoin inayi fa ewi lyamanguluka: Keshe shimwe toka 'tumbula' ohashi ya nondando. Ngele omuntu okwa hala okulanditha nakale e na iimaliwa (coins), shika ota shi ti kutya, aantu owala mboka ye na iimaliwa yoludhi ndika taa vulu 'okutya' sha. Aantu mba taa miina OoBitcoin otaa vulu okutinda omalanditho ngele ina ye ga panda, nenge ngele yewete ondando oshona. Aantu ohaa longele kumwe meliyambo.

Bitcoin oya fa euvathano pokati kaakwashigwana: Osha fa owala oshinima shopamuthigululwakalo. OoBitcoin ota dhi vulu okulonga ngaashi iimaliwa yolela ngele aantu taye dhi longitha pamukalo gumwe niimaliwa, noye na esimaneko lyoompango ndhoka dhi na sha nelongitho lyooBitcoin. Outeknologi ohau dhana oshilonga sha simana mokweetapo euvathano ndi.

Bitcoin inayi fa euvathano pokati kaakwashigwana: Inashi fa naanaa omauvathano ngoka haga longwa moosikola, shaashi euvathano ndika ihali vulu okuningululwa nenge okugwedhelwa, lyo inali totwa po kaaleli yontumba. Oompango owala dhili po ndhoka kehe omuntu e na okutokola puyemwene edhi gwanitha po, sigo aantu ayehe taa adha etokolo limwe.

Bitcoin is like Git: in Git (a distributed version control system) all your changes are organized in a chain protected by cryptographic hashes. If you trust the latest hash, you can get all the previous information (or any part of it) from any source and still verify that it is what you expect. Similarly, in Bitcoin, all transactions are organized in a chain (the blockchain) and once validated, no matter where they are stored, you can always trust any piece of blockchain by checking a chain of hashes that link to a hash you already trust. This naturally enables distributed storage and easy integrity checks.

Bitcoin is unlike Git: in a way that everyone strives to work on a single branch. In Git everyone may have several branches and fork and merge them all day long. In Bitcoin one cannot โ€œmergeโ€ forks. The blockchain is a actually a tree of transaction histories, but there is always one biggest branch (which has the value) and some accidental mini-branches (no more than one-two blocks long) that have no value at all. In Git content matters more than branches, in Bitcoin consensus matters more than content.

Bitcoin is like Bittorrent: the network is fully decentralized, there is no single โ€œmintโ€ or โ€œbankโ€. The blockchain is like a single file on bittorrent: cryptographically authenticated and shared across many computers. Every participant, including miners are acting on equal grounds. If one part of the network becomes disrupted, transactions can flow through other parts. Even if the entire network goes down, information about transactions is still stored on many thousands of independent computers and no oneโ€™s money is lost. When people connect with each other again, they can continue sending transactions like nothing happened. Both Bitcoin and Bittorrent can survive a nuclear war because information does not become radioactive and can be safely replicated.

Bitcoin is unlike Bittorrent: instead of many independent โ€œfilesโ€, there is one file that always grows: the blockchain. Also, the most important participants: miners are actually getting rewarded for their work with real money.

Bitcoin is like freedom of speech: every transaction is a short public message that can be pronounced no matter where or how. If some miners hear it, they will add it in the blockchain and that message will be forever in the history. Everyone will see it and no one will be able to erase it.

Bitcoin is unlike freedom of speech: saying something comes with a cost. Transaction moves coins that you must have to start with. So not every moron is allowed to shout, but only those who had a merit to acquire some coins in the first place. Also, miners may reject transaction if itโ€™s spammy or does not contain enough fees. So no one provides anyone with freedom as โ€œin beerโ€, but everyone tries to cooperate on a voluntary basis.

Bitcoin is like a social contract: it is a pure cultural phenomenon. It works as money as long as people treat it as such and have guts to hold it and respect its rules. Technology is needed only insomuch to provide necessary plumbing for that contract.

Bitcoin is unlike a social contract: it is not the kind of a contract that they teach at schools. Itโ€™s not flexible, and itโ€™s not imposed by some rulers. Itโ€™s a virtually immutable set of rules that everyone chooses to apply to themselves, therefore adding to a unanimous consensus.

Bitcoin is like magic internet money: it simply is.

Maggie Nampweya